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পোস্টমাস্টার জেনারেল, পূর্বাঞ্চল, চট্টগ্রাম ।। পোস্টাল অপারেটর (17-06-2023) || 2023


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সম্পূর্ণ বাহিরে
অনেক দূরে
I was left by him yesterday
I have been left by him yesterday
I had been left by him yesterday.
I was left with him yesterday.
I wish I had the wings of a bird.
. I had the wings of a bird.
I should have the wings of a bird.
May I have the wings of a bird
He asked me did I pass.
He asked me if I passed
He asked me if I have passed.
He asked me if I had passed.
a social system dominated by male
a social system dominated by female
a social system dominated solely by democrats
a social system dominated by democratic value
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